Increase the Adult and Family Education line item by $7 million to serve more working and job-seeking adults.
646,612 working age adults lack high school diplomas.
387,549 working age adults do not speak English well or at all.
More than 64,000 students dropped out of high school in the last five year.
2020 PIAAC DATA: State & County Indicators of Adult Literacy and Numeracy for PA’s 9,435,000 residents ages 16-74
18% of Pennsylvanians ages 16-74 are at or below PIAAC proficiency level 1 in literacy – meaning atrisk for difficulty using or comprehending print material.
29% of Pennsylvanians ages 16-74 are at or below PIAAC proficiency level 1 in numeracy – considered at risk for difficulties with numeracy.